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Lipoedema - My story by Katherine Goodman - Part 2

Jeanine Mewburn

Surgery wise I wanted to stay local on the Gold Coast, close to my family and also to reduce costs. I decided to go with someone close to home and applied for early release of super and was rejected, a problem with the surgeon not considered a ‘specialist’.

I then went to a gentleman from Melbourne, Dr. Shayan. He was gentle, sympathetic, understanding of my issues and most importantly in my opinion was one of the most knowledgeable people about this condition. He was actively studying this disease, doing lab research and with my consent sent my diseased tissue to a lab to be studied. His technique is lymphatic saving.

Determined to move forward I applied and was rejected again. I gathered more supporting letters, the surgeon, my G.P, another supportive G.P who had a friend with the condition and so understood, and finally my local MP. I was not going to accept the rejections and continued to pursue it. I got approved but they only released enough money for one leg. I rang again and put my case forward the quote was for two legs, I had two legs, (the lady who answered my call was lovely and understood the problem immediately, my case was marked as urgent and to be reviewed) another quote was written and application for super was approved for leg two.

Dates for surgery were set, then COVID hit and Victoria was shut down, borders opened and closed again. I was really starting to struggle, only used the back stairs when I had to preferring to enter my house from the front with only four stairs, putting off the shopping or asking the kids to do it to save my knees. Nine months later I finally got leg one done and am going very well. Four weeks post writing this my swelling is down, bruising is settling and wound is healing. Although the leg can be uncomfortable at times my knee has already greatly improved.

I am now going to arrange for the left leg to proceed COVID allowing. It has taken me over four years to get to this point from diagnosis to surgery.

Katherine's story will be updated after she has had her second leg operated on. If you are concerned you may have lipoedema or would like further information on the condition, please reach out for an appointment with Jeanine at JM Lymphoedema Clinic.



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