Genital oedema is not often discussed, and we do not have statistics on its prevalence because it is not often reported. At the clinic, it is usually disclosed during a lymphoedema treatment for the lower abdomen or the legs, and often after prompting. This situation has been reported in a British study where genital oedema is usually diagnosed during examination for pelvic health, incontinence, and impotence.
Genital oedema usually occurs following cancer treatment such as surgery and radiation, although it can also be caused or be aggravated by Crohn’s disease, infections, and other conditions. It can cause severe psychological distress and have an impact on social interaction. It is often concurrent with swelling in the abdomen and the legs, and presents with discomfort, and pain. It can bring about difficulty and painful urination and can compromise sexual function, and ultimately a relationship.
We know that lymphoedema is a chronic condition that can be managed, and it is the same for genital oedema. Complex decongestive therapy still is the treatment of choice with lymphatic drainage massage, wearing a compression garment, exercise, and a good skin care.
At my clinic, I can offer you lymphatic drainage massage, advise on exercise and skin care. I can also help you with advice on genital pads and pouches, take measurement when needing a custom-made pad and order it for you. More than this type of compression, it is also possible to measure for a compression vest or a band for the abdomen, and compression stockings for your legs. There are ways for you to manage genital oedema.
Your future depends on what you do today. Do not keep your condition silent and meddling with your life. We all bloom at different times. Be happy on purpose and act now because action is the antidote to depression and despair. Contact me or your therapist as soon as you notice changes.